Root Cause Reset +Coaching

 a step-by-step nutritional therapy program that helps you heal your gut so you can balance your energy, cycle, and beyond. 

Do you...

...Want to stop using temporary fixes to manage your symptoms?
...Wish you understood the WHY behind your health concerns and felt confident in how to support your body’s unique needs?

Imagine if... had energy to get through your action-packed day - without coffee. didn’t NEED to pack backup outfits for vacation to hide major bloat. no longer had to know where the closest bathroom was at all times because your gut no longer serves unwelcome surprises.

…your cycle was a regular guest, instead a flakey or over-staying monster. could spend your free time doing things you actually love, instead of going down the Google abyss trying to manage your symptoms. finally saw progress in your skin health by supporting it inside/out. felt clear and confident in your diet and lifestyle instead of overwhelmed by the noise and D.I.Y. chaos.


…you were your own food detective: navigating labels, grocery stores, and travel like a pro. can scroll past Karen’s B.S. shakes and fitfluencer fad diets because you understand YOUR body and how to choose food and supplements that support it. had a nutritionist/hype woman on-demand for support and mentorship whenever you felt “stuck”, so you won’t feel overwhelmed or lost again. were supported by a community of like-minded, proactive women to cheer you on.

Meet Root Cause Reset +Coaching

Root Cause Reset (RCR) +Coaching is a step-by-step nutritional therapy program that helps you heal your gut so you can balance your energy, cycle, and skin.

Whether you’re new to changing your diet and lifestyle, or you’ve done some work on your own...RCR will help you understand your symptoms, how to support your body’s unique needs (and WHY), and help you create a sustainable diet and lifestyle.

No B.S. shakes or trendy juices (I’m lookin’ at you, celery juice), and no more being overwhelmed by Dr. Google and the D.I.Y. chaos.

You’ll learn everything you need to know about supporting your health from the inside/out (digestion, fatty acids, sugar handling, nutrient-dense diet, managing stress, and more) through our detailed 10-week curriculum.

And when you have questions or need support, I’ve got you! When you join RCR you gain access to daily support inside our private Facebook community, plus Q+A coaching calls to help you digest the material, understand your symptoms, and make progress in your health journey.

No suffering in silence! You’ll have me as your friendly online-nutritionist / hype woman and have the support and solidarity of like-minded women.

This program is *NOT* for you if...

You follow a vegan or vegetarian diet

You are looking for a quick fix

You are only interested in weight loss

You aren’t willing to invest in your health

You would rather make excuses and be comfortable than do the work

Is this you?

You are tired of trying “everything” with poor results

You are willing to make your health and mindset priority

You want support and accountability in reaching your goals

You want to find and improve the root cause of your health concerns, NOT just use temporary, bandaid solutions

You have trouble figuring out what is right for you amongst dietary misinformation and fads.


If you said yes to any of those statements...Root Cause Reset is for you.

What Clients Are Saying

Click on the photos below to see full testimonials.
You can also check out my Results highlight on Instagram for more client wins.

Cassie R.

"I lost 50 pounds working with her and have maintained that loss for over 6 months. I plan to lose more, but most importantly, I plan to stay on track because my body, soul + life are thriving thanks to Diane!"

April M.

I haven’t had any gut issues since I joined Root Cause Reset...My bloating is gone, I haven’t had to run to the’s changed everything and I’m really grateful and I know I’ll stick to it.”

Marie B.H.

“Diane got me off the yo-yo dieting concept and really got me focusing on eating healthy, GOOD food... she had me come back to basics in a way I’ve never done before. [RCR] never talked about losing weight or counting calories. It was really about incorporating healthy foods for my made such a difference in my experience.”

How it Works

Here's what you can expect inside of Root Cause Reset +Coaching:

Proven Method for Results

No more going down the Dr. Google rabbithole, crowdsourcing your health concerns, or trying the latest fad that an influencer (with no certs) is promoting. Put down the celery juice and back away slowly! Follow the modules, make the changes, and watch your health improve.

Nutrition & Lifestyle Audit

Before RCR begins you’ll complete a nutrition assessment to get a baseline of your current health and identify opportunities for your program. This crucial step helps us customize your program!

10 Detailed Modules

Dive into 10 weeks of lessons. These are dripped out weekly, so you can learn and implement without overwhelm. You’ll learn everything you need to know about real food nutrition, how to understand your body, and how to support it whether you are at home or on the go.

Lifetime Access

Inside RCR you’re given lifetime membership to course content, which means ongoing resources and access to new material as it’s available! Your enrollment unlocks 6 month access to the community and coaching calls, with option to renew for continuing support.

Healthy Hype Sessions

Join 1-2x monthly coaching calls with Diane and other students to receive live, high-touch coaching. These are held on Zoom! Can't make it live? We'll miss you, but you can catch the replays in our course portal.

High Vibe Community

Making diet and lifestyle changes is easier with accountability and community. When you join RCR you have access to daily support in our private Facebook group. Have a question or just want to share a win? We want to hear it and hype you up. You'll also find additional resources and exclusive mini-trainings here!

RCR Student Wins

Here's a peek at how women are rocking their programs!

Course Overview

Take a peek at the modules! These are digestible (badum tshhhh) video lessons, resources, and guides that are dripped out weekly! You'll have access to the course online - and on an app so you can learn on the go!

Week 1: Welcome to Root Cause Reset

In this module, we will go over crafting the right mindset for success, our strategy for the program, and how to do your  nutrition assessment.


Week 2: Nutrition & Lifestyle Audit

Finally understand how to build a healthy plate WITHOUT weighing, tracking, or using tedious apps.

In this module you’ll discover how to choose and use supplements that support your body’s unique needs.

Week 3: Upper GI Health

You’ll learn what’s REALLY going on behind acid reflux / heartburn, and how to stop it for good using my proven method.

We also break down the biggest myths you’ve been told about digestion and learn how to customize your protocol.

Week 4: Digestion & Supporting Players

In this module you’ll learn how to support 3 overlooked parts of digestion, so you can enjoy your meal without bloat, cramps, and urgent trips to the bathroom.


Week 5: Small Intestine Health

What symptoms are caused by “leaky gut” and how to address them the RCR way.

Have food sensitivities and intolerances? This week is for you.

Week 6: Large Intestine Health

We’ll cover how to understand Poo’s Clues and how to regulate your elimination đź’© – for your gut, hormone health, and beyond.

You’ll also discover how to rebalance your gut microbiome, so you can support a healthy immune system.


Week 7: Sugar Handling

How to have an abundance of stable, consistent energy throughout the day...without more caffeine, B.S. pills, or rides on the sugar bomb rollercoaster.

We’ll also cover how to identify sneaky ingredients on nutrition labels.

Week 8: Level Up Your Lifestyle

We’ll make a game plan to support your adrenals and lower your overall stress load (physically + emotionally).


Week 9: Reintroductions

Get the blueprint for customizing your maintenance plan and understand which foods to reintroduce the RCR way for best results.

Week 10: Putting it All Together

Resources, guides, and exclusive RCR bonuses that help you make this lifestyle sustainable during AND after your program.


Exclusive Bonuses

Get access to these exclusive bonuses when you enroll in Root Cause Reset +Coaching!

Mindset Training

5 Mindset shifts you need to make to level up your health and nutrition therapist and mindset coach Topsie VandenBosch, LMSW


$47 value

Workout Programs for Your Body Type

12-week gym and home training programs for YOUR body type plus 30 minute home workouts from Christine of Gauge Girl Training.

$894 value

Everyday Recipes & Meal Tips

A compilation of nourishing, delicious recipes for RCR and beyond, plus specific store shopping guides, formulas for smoothies, leftover remixes, and more.

$97 value

Private Kickoff Coaching Call

*Pay in Full Bonus*. A 30 minute kickoff call with Diane to review your Nutrition & Lifestyle Audit and make a game plan for your success in the program.

$150 value

Client Testimonials

Want to read full client stories? Visit the testimonial gallery on my website.

"My energy levels have been through the roof. I can make it through my workday and feel so much more productive at work. I’ve lost 20lbs throughout these 3 months and that’s with me working out less and eating more…overall I just feel so good. I feel amazing"

Maxine H.

"After working with Diane I feel amazing. I have great energy, my skin is almost as clear as it was when I was 16, I have my period more regularly, I don’t have to deal with the daily bloat, and I’m sleeping like a baby every night. "

Ashley K

"After working with Diane my habits have changed for the better. I’m getting my period regularly now...I naturally lost 15 pounds simply by eating better. I feel great. I don’t feel tired, I don’t need coffee...and my skin looks good!"


RCR +Coaching returns January 2023

On the waitlist? Watch your inbox for early bird exclusives December 2022.









Meet your nutritionist.

Oh hey! I’m Diane Teall Evans: certified nutritional therapist (NTP, RWP), your hype woman, and dog-aholic with a silly streak.

I created Root Cause Reset because I wanted to help more women who are in the same spot I was a few years ago.

I know what it’s like to pour yourself into your work and not have the energy to address your symptoms that prevent you from showing up fully in your work and life. You want to feel better, but there’s so much conflicting, overwhelming diet information to sort through that you’re not sure what will work for YOUR unique needs. You feel guilty about your health, but fall off the wagon without guidance, accountability, and a strong support system. 

Before I became a nutritionist I spent SO much time, energy, and money trying to find D.I.Y. solutions to manage: digestive issues, afternoon slumps, hormonal migraines, and breakouts that wouldn’t quit. Now? I feel better physically and emotionally than I have in years: clear skin, more [natural] energy, no hormone headaches or daily TUMs. I have clarity about what works and what doesn’t, and I’m here to help shorten your healing journey.

I believe when we know better, we do better – and keeping the momentum going is easier (and more fun, tbh) when you don’t go it alone.

I look forward to supporting you. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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